Most people have the wrong idea about boundaries – they think boundaries will make them rigid, difficult or unkind. The exact opposite is true if you have HEALTHY ones.

Healthy boundaries preserve and protect us and our relationships. Without them we can get into relationship dynamics of feeling resentful, angry, violated or unsafe. Because so few of us understand what boundaries actually are, we rarely see them working well. But when they do, it makes all the difference to your mental health and the health of your relationships.

There are 6 types of boundaries you need to feel and live your best, and in this talk, I’ll teach you about the second one: Emotional Boundaries. You will learn what the key types of emotional boundaries are, how to set emotional boundaries and what specifically you can say when setting a boundary.

You are also going to learn the key signs that an emotional boundary has been violate. We know when something is off or feels uncomfortable, but can’t always pin point why – this talk is going to help clear that up, and teach you what to do when one of those emotional boundaries has been violated.