Why It’s So Important To Care More About Each Other.

By |2017-05-21T16:05:52-07:00January 27th, 2015|General|

Further to our last discussion in and around freedom of Expression found here and here, I received some really thoughtful feedback on my blog, here on LinkedIn and also in my personal email inbox. One such reflections that came to my inbox, so was thus not shared publicly, was from my dear Auntie Ruth Blaser. Ruth is such a deep, thoughtful, and passionate person who dedicates her life to the acceptance. love, advocacy, and inclusion of others in many different realms, and is an inspiration and role model to many. Here is what she had to [...]

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Does Freedom of Expression Mean Anything Goes?

By |2017-05-21T16:05:52-07:00January 21st, 2015|General|

Are there, or should there be limits to free expression? Does having freedom mean we are exempt from being responsible for ourselves and for how our words - both spoken and written - and created images affect others? In an interesting article found here the Pope says states that freedom of speech is a fundamental human right and we have a duty to speak up for the sake of the common good. But what if what we're saying is not for the common good? What if it's actually to shame, ridicule, insult, and put down [...]

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