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So far Julia Kristina has created 568 blog entries.

How to Know if Someone is Emotionally Immature: 7 Clear Signs

By |2024-08-16T15:22:03-07:00August 16th, 2024|General|

 Just because someone is of adult age, it doesn’t mean they’ve reached emotional adulthood. It’s not about landing the ‘adult job,’ buying a house, or affording the finer things in life. True emotional maturity comes from within—learning to view situations and oneself from a more mature, grown-up perspective. In this talk, I teach what it really means to become an emotional adult and why it’s essential for a fulfilling life, and healthy relationships. We’ll look at the signs of emotional immaturity, the obstacles that can prevent emotional growth, and the steps one can take [...]

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How to Quickly Calm Anxiety: 4 Tips and Tricks

By |2024-08-08T08:23:07-07:00August 8th, 2024|General|

 In this video, I dive into how anxiety and excitement can feel the same in our bodies, but our thoughts make the difference between a pleasurable or unpleasant experience. Whether it’s a job interview, asking someone out, attending a social event, meeting new people, or giving a presentation at work, shifting our mindset can significantly reduce anxiety and using these 4 cognitive therapy based skills will change how we feel. Viewing these situations in the ways I teach in this talk will create new neural pathways in the brain that will also help prevent [...]

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How To Stop People Pleasing with this One Specific Boundary

By |2024-08-01T10:12:04-07:00August 1st, 2024|General|

 In this talk, I dive into the one specific boundary that is necessary in order to break the cycle of people please. Healthy boundaries are essential for maintaining our well-being and fostering positive relationships. In this video, I explore why this type of boundary is vital, how it can protect you from overwhelm and burnout, and ways to effectively communicate and set it. Drawing on personal experiences and practical tips, I guide you through the process of recognizing when and where you need this type of boundary, how to establish it with confidence, and [...]

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How To Regulate Your Nervous When You Feel Stressed & Anxious

By |2024-07-25T08:56:16-07:00July 25th, 2024|General|

 Everyday we have a whole bunch of little stressors that show up. Even though each one of them by themselves might not be that big of a deal, when they go unaddressed time after time they add up to a lot of stress or anxiety that sits trapped in our bodies and causes overall nervous system disregulation. In this talk I teach you how to identify these little stressors and how to deal with each one of them in.just a few seconds. This will not only help you feel more calm and grounded in [...]

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How To Deal with Uncertainty – Without Getting Anxious

By |2024-07-19T14:06:29-07:00July 19th, 2024|General|

 Feeling overwhelmed by uncertainty? You're not alone! In this down-to-earth talk, we'll explore simple and effective ways to handle the unknown and stay calm and confident. Uncertainty can often cause a lot of anxiety, but it also holds the potential for growth, innovation, and unexpected opportunities. Whether you're dealing with personal challenges, work changes, or just the unpredictability of everyday life, this talk will give you the tools you need to navigate uncertainty much more easily.

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3 Things Truly Confident People Do Differently

By |2024-07-14T11:21:04-07:00July 14th, 2024|General|

 In this practical talk, we dive deep into three essential components of real self-confidence: self-efficacy, self-concept, and self-esteem. This talk will help you learn how your belief in your ability to succeed can shape your actions, decisions, and overall life trajectory. You'll also learn about the mental image you have of yourself, and how you describe your abilities, attributes, and overall identity. And finally, you'll learn the critical role of self-esteem. I give you practical tips on nurturing a healthy self-esteem, fostering self-respect, and appreciating your intrinsic worth. Whether you're looking to boost your [...]

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Signs You’re Overstimulated without Realizing You’re Overstimulated

By |2024-07-11T17:26:25-07:00July 11th, 2024|General|

 Are you feeling overwhelmed but can't quite put your finger on why? You might be overstimulated without even realizing it. In this video, we dive into the subtle signs that indicate your brain is on overload. From difficulty concentrating to feeling unusually irritable, we’ll explore the everyday cues your body and mind give you when they’re overtaxed by too much sensory input. Understanding and addressing overstimulation is crucial for maintaining your mental health and overall well-being. By identifying these signs early, you can take steps to create a calmer, more balanced you.

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How To Stop Getting Offended Too Easily

By |2024-06-21T10:29:14-07:00June 21st, 2024|General|

 It's easy to get offended when we take what someone does or says about us personally - but when we take a step back and look at things with more objectivity we can see that very little of what someone does or says is actually personal. So if what they are saying isn't actually personal, why does it bother us so much, and why do we get hurt, upset or irritated by it? In this talk we're going to look at why we often get offended so easily, and what we can do to [...]

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How To Stop Getting Angry So Easily | Simple Anger Management Skills

By |2024-06-14T10:43:41-07:00June 14th, 2024|General|

 It's so easy to let ourselves get angry when someone does or says something unfair, unreasonable, unkind, unjust, or inconsiderate, or disrespectful. And, even though we may be justified in said anger, we have to ask ourselves whether it's worth letting ourselves disrupt our own peace with someone else's words or actions. We can address someone else's actions without letting ourselves get upset and reactive, and that requires us to take a step back and reflect on what we're letting ourselves get upset about, and how we want to address it (or not) in [...]

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2 Words To Remember When Going Through A Hard Time in Life

By |2024-06-07T08:36:39-07:00June 7th, 2024|General|

 When we're right in the middle of a difficult, painful, confusing or overwhelming time in our lives it can be really easy for our brains to convince us that this is the way things are always going to be, and we're always going to feel this way. When we're feeling anxious, confused, depressed, lonely, stressed, overwhelmed, or hurt it's really easy to think that that we're never going to get through it. The next time you're feeling this way, the two main words I teach in this talk will help you see that you [...]

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By |2024-05-31T08:47:34-07:00May 31st, 2024|General|

 When we're feeling stuck and struggling: Feeling sad, hopeless, lost, confused, overwhelmed, anxious, stressed or hurt it can seem like we're always going to feel this way and things are never going to get any better... or we're not every going to feel any better. But the thing is, you have been through hard things before - you have FELT hard things before, and you have gotten through it. Nothing has necessarily gone wrong if things aren't always going, or feeling, right. And this is the part of your story where it feels hard, [...]


5 Things Confident People Refuse to Do

By |2024-05-24T16:13:12-07:00May 24th, 2024|General|

 There are certain things confident people make an intentional point NOT to do - because they know that if they allow themselves to do these things, it not only feels bad, but it also erodes their confidence. Becoming more confident is about choosing certain thoughts and actions that help to build your confidence, but it's also about steering clear of the things that will chip away at it.

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7 Things Confident People Don’t Say

By |2024-05-19T22:31:17-07:00May 17th, 2024|General|

 In this talk, we're diving into the mindset of confident people by exploring the 7 things you won't hear them say. Understanding these phrases and why confident individuals avoid them can help you boost your own self-esteem and feel more comfortable and confident in who you are. Instead of using these phrases, shift gears and focus on using empowering language that fosters growth, a sturdy sense of self, and resilience

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Feeling Overwhelmed? Do this 1 Simple Thing!

By |2024-05-03T07:24:52-07:00May 3rd, 2024|General|

 When we feel overwhelmed it's because we have more going on in our lives, and thus in our brains than we have to capacity to wrap our minds around or process. In our fast paces world - and with so many life activities and demands that many among us have, it is all too easy to get overwhelmed - to the point of either meltdown or blow up - or even to the point of a panic attack or an anxiety attack. Tuning into yourself when the overwhelm is starting to boil is key [...]

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3 Easy Ways to Stop Overthinking Everything

By |2024-04-26T22:29:47-07:00April 26th, 2024|General|

 If you have a brain that likes to overthink, know that you are not alone. The reason our brains tend to overthink so much is because they are trying to protect us in some way. The thing is, though, most of the things you overthink about are not actual threats to your safety - they are more likely threats to your ego. Or, if they could be threats to your safety (i.e. thoughts about something terrible that could happen) they are very unlikely to happen. In this talk I teach you 3 simple tips [...]

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How To Deal With An Emotionally Immature Partner & When To Leave the Relationship

By |2024-04-18T12:34:18-07:00April 18th, 2024|General|

 Being in a relationship with an emotionally immature partner can be confusing, frustrating and hurtful. You may want to negotiate and work through issues in the relationship, or have honest conversations about your thoughts and feelings, but they either wont or they can't. So is the relationship a lost cause? Is there nothing you can do to build a deeper sense of openness, honesty and trust in the relationship? The answer is yes. There are ways you can approach your partner that increase the likelihood that they will learn to address and acknowledge their [...]

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7 Key Signs Your Partner is Emotionally Immature

By |2024-04-05T10:54:47-07:00April 5th, 2024|General|

 Emotional immaturity is when someone can't recognize or control their emotions in an age-appropriate way. An emotionally immature partner shows a lack of depth and understanding about their emotions as well as their partners. This can be an emotionally immature man or an emotionally immature woman. Being emotionally immature puts a lot of stress and strain on the relationship leaving the other partner drained and emotionally depleted. If you've been struggling in your relationship because you can't seem to get on the same page as your partner, it might be because they are emotionally [...]

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10 Subtle Signs That Someone Is Emotionally Immature

By |2024-03-22T19:31:10-07:00March 22nd, 2024|General|

 It can be confusing when someone acts in ways that seem selfish, oblivious, disrespectful, self-centred, reactive, or rude. But the thing is, most of the time when people repeatedly act in these ways it's because they lack emotional maturity. They both don't recognize the impact of their words or behaviours on others, and they don't know what to do with their own emotions or how to regulate themselves. When we can see that the way someone is behaving is not about us, but about them not knowing how to cope with their own big [...]

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What is Mindfulness?

By |2024-02-01T13:51:08-08:00March 18th, 2024|General|

 In this video I give a simple and straightforward explanation of what Mindfulness is all about and why it's all the rage right now.

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How To Stop Anxiety From Taking Over Your Life: Reframe Fear

By |2024-03-15T14:33:44-07:00March 15th, 2024|General|

 Anxiety tells you to stay small and hidden in order to keep you safe. But is stopping yourself from stepping more fully into your life by trying something new, putting yourself out there, going for what you really want, working toward a goal really keeping you safe? If you want to grow, if you want a full life, you have to be willing to stretch. But anxiety tries to convince you that this is not safe. BUT So often the things we are afraid of are not a threat to our safety - they [...]

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Acceptance vs. Resistance: Be More Mentally Strong with this One Shift

By |2024-03-07T08:44:25-08:00March 7th, 2024|General|

 To become more mentally strong and emotionally intelligent we need to practice certain skills on a regular basis. Many of these skills are about becoming more conscious and aware of how we are reacting to certain things by default, and then intentionally changing that default. So often we keep ourselves in resistance and the stress, anxiety, anger, bitterness that comes with it, when we keep complaining about people or circumstances that we don't like. Sometimes we can do something to influence those people or circumstances to change, but if they are both uninterested in, [...]

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The Top 5 Ways To Process An Emotion Using Your Brain

By |2024-02-29T22:12:22-08:00February 29th, 2024|General|

 When we have big emotions it can be hard to know what to do with them - especially when they feel overwhelming, difficult or painful. But, the truth is, we don't have to be afraid of having big feelings - even the more challenging ones - especially when we know how to process them effectively. In this talk I teach you the top 5, research backed strategies, that include CBT skills, for processing and dealing with big emotions when they show up in healthy, helpful and effective ways.

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Mental Strength Building Skill: Get a Growth Mindset

By |2024-02-23T07:19:51-08:00February 23rd, 2024|General|

 There are 2 types of mindsets that most people navigate the world with. A Fixed Mindset and a Growth Mindset. Many people also use a combination of both - depending on the situation they are in. When you have a growth mindset you see yourself as having say over the general direction of your life and believe you can achieve and accomplish things when you learn, stay committed and work at it to develop your skills and abilities. When you have a fixed mindset you see the world more as people who innately have [...]

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The 3 Things A Relationship Needs to Be Healthy

By |2024-02-16T08:57:15-08:00February 16th, 2024|General|

 Healthy relationships are at the core of our mental health. In order to have good mental health, we need to have good relationships. But how what do healthy relationships look like? How do you know if any particular relationship is healthy, and if you'd like to have better, closer, healthier relationships with either friends, your family or a partner, what does it take? In this talk I'll teach you the 3 key elements of a healthy relationship so you can both assess where your most important relationships are at, and learn some straightforward ways [...]

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5 Cognitive Therapy Skills to Stop Overthinking Everything

By |2024-02-08T08:53:10-08:00February 8th, 2024|General|

 So you overthink... a lot. You overthink what you said, how you said it, what they're thinking about what you said or how you said it, what you should have said instead, maybe even the person you should be instead. It feels bad when you leave a social situation or interaction because of all the rumination, self-doubt and self-criticism that goes through your brain immediately. It also makes it so you feel anxious going into most social situations because you're afraid of coming across the wrong way, or looking awkward or uncomfortable and you [...]

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