25 Ways to Improve Your Life Without Really Trying

By |2022-04-28T09:24:53-07:00April 28th, 2022|General|

 Improving your life and feeling better on a daily basis doesn’t have to only involve major life changes. It can happen with small, intentional shifts in your daily choices and habits. You can be happier - and it doesn’t have to be hard. Here are 25 simple ways to improve your life without really trying.

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6 Simple Ways to Make Your Life Better

By |2022-04-21T09:45:42-07:00April 21st, 2022|General|

Thinking better, feeling better, having better and living better are things most of us want. But we're not always sure of how to shift ourselves from the inside out in order to achieve them. Here I teach you 6 simple, yet deeply transformational ways to make your life better and be happier starting today.

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Look What We Did Together!

By |2021-11-24T09:09:05-08:00April 18th, 2022|General|

Here's to a year of big growth, big shifts and not being willing to settle. Here's to you and your willingness to invest in the most important person in your life. Here's to believing that you deserve to feel good TOO! Here's to having the courage to look inward. Here's to having the courage to go deep. Here's to not being willing to call it in - even if you had lot's of reasons to. And here's to a 2019 full of big breakthroughs - We have some big things coming that I can't wait [...]

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7 Simple Habits of Healthy Relationships

By |2022-04-14T11:45:13-07:00April 14th, 2022|General|

Having healthy relationships often takes work. But it is often worth it because when we have strong and healthy relationships we go through life feeling more loved and supported - and who doesn't want that? Here I teach you 7 simple habits that will make your relationships better - any of your relationships.

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How To Deal with A Negative Thought in 3 Simple Steps

By |2021-11-24T08:56:12-08:00April 4th, 2022|General|

HOW TO DEAL WITH A NEGATIVE THOUGHT We all have limiting beliefs and negative thoughts about ourselves, and although we all have them, people who are more secure know how to keep those thoughts from taking over and keeping them stuck. In this episode of GoodForMeTV, I’m going to teach you three things secure people do to keep these limiting beliefs and negative thoughts at bay. We all have limiting beliefs and negative thoughts about ourselves, and although we all have them, people who are more secure know how to keep those thoughts from taking [...]

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7 Signs it’s Time To End An Adult Friendship

By |2022-03-31T08:20:14-07:00March 31st, 2022|General|

 As we get older, friendships can become much more complicated, and ending a friendship when and if necessary can also be very complicated. Here I'll teach you how to know when it's time to end an adult friendship and the 7 key signs to look out for.

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How to Stop Catastrophic Thinking

By |2021-08-16T10:49:19-07:00March 28th, 2022|General|

If you ever stress, worry, get worked up, or are anxious about something awful happening, even though there’s not a very good chance that thing will happen, this video is for you. If you know that your catastrophic thinking is keeping you stuck or holding you back, this video is for you. If you’re sure you catastrophize but don’t know how to stop doing it, this video is for you. In today’s episode of Good for Me TV both tell you why you’re getting stuck in these catastrophic thoughts and how to turn put a [...]

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This is What to Do When You’re Triggered

By |2022-03-24T08:16:09-07:00March 24th, 2022|General|

We all get emotionally triggered at least sometimes, but don't always know what to do when those triggers happen. Here I teach you about what an emotional trigger is and what to do when you're triggered so you can get back to feeling emotionally grounded. Learn how to take charge of your thoughts and emotions in my new book, Drive Your Own Darn Bus. Order it at most major book retailers worldwide, or here: https://www.amazon.com/Drive-Your-Own-Darn-Bus/dp/B09TWBB1PV/

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You Don’t Have to Defend Yourself | How Not To Be Defensive

By |2021-08-16T10:43:51-07:00March 21st, 2022|General|

Being defensive is something we all feel at times - for some of us, a lot of the time. And regardless of why we're feeling it, the truth is, it's not good for us or our relationships. In today’s episode of Good for Me TV we're talking about the big 3 reasons we get defensive, how to not be defensive, and the key mindset shifts necessary to help us realized that we don't actually even have to defend ourselves in the first place.

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How to Stop Worrying About the Future

By |2022-03-17T07:12:54-07:00March 17th, 2022|General|

When we don't know for sure how something is going to turn out, we often expect the worst and then worry about that bad thing happening. Sometimes it does, but sometimes it doesn't. Why do we so often expect the worst, when it's also possible things could turn out fine - or even great? When this happens it's the Cognitive Distortion of Fortune Telling - and here I teach you why our brains do this, and what to train them to do instead.

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7 Signs You’re Doing Better Than You Think

By |2022-03-11T13:25:42-08:00March 10th, 2022|General|

 It's hard to tell if we're making any progress when it comes to our healing and growth process because we can't always see the big changes right away. Often, we are having little changes regularly as we work on our mental health and wellness, but these changes are not always obvious. Here, I talk about 7 signs you're going better than you think - even if you can't always see yourself growing and shifting.

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A Simple Hack to Stop Your Negative Thoughts

By |2021-08-16T10:34:14-07:00March 7th, 2022|General|

This one is for those negative thoughts that come in and try to hijack your mind and emotions and leave you feeling like crap. We all have negative thoughts that come up, but what do we do with them when they do? How do we stop those negative thoughts from making an uncomfortable situation even worse? In this episode of GoodForMeTV, we are going to talk about one simple hack to stop a negative thought in its tracks - right then and there.

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5 Things To Do If You Feel Hopeless

By |2022-03-11T13:20:34-08:00March 3rd, 2022|General|

   Feeling hopeless from time to time is an unpleasant feeling - but it is normal. Especially when you feel like things in your life are out of your control, or you feel stuck in your current circumstance with no immediate solution. Although we can't stop ourselves from ever feeling hopeless, we can do several things to help us feel more happy and hopeful again when we do.

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How You’re Subconsciously Keeping Yourself Stuck

By |2021-08-16T10:28:07-07:00February 28th, 2022|General|

We all have bad habits, I have mine as well. What are your 5 bad habits? When we're stuck, sometimes we know exactly why, and sometimes we just can't figure it out. Why aren't things getting better? Why do we keep struggling? And for many of us, it's because we've developed bad habits we don't even realize we're doing. In this episode of GoodForMeTV, I am going to tell you the 5 bad habits that most of us subconsciously do that are keeping us stuck and frustrated and struggling, and what we can do to [...]

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What to Do When Life Is Not Going Your Way

By |2022-03-11T13:30:32-08:00February 24th, 2022|General|

As much as we wish it would, life doesn't always go the way we want it to - and when it doesn't go according to our plan we have a few options. We can learn ways to keep going, create a new plan or give up. Here we're going to talk about how to keep going and get back on track when life is not going your way. Get my book DRIVE YOUR OWN DARN BUS here, or at any major online book retailer: https://www.amazon.com/Drive-Your-Own...

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This Piece of Self-Help Advice is Messing with Your Head

By |2021-08-16T10:25:51-07:00February 21st, 2022|General|

There’s a piece of self-help advice out there that comes across as a motivational and inspirational self-help tip on the surface, but has a really harmful if not dangerous message underneath it. Sometimes it's said to help people get better self-esteem or to feel good about themselves, but it can often have the exact opposite effect. In this episode of Good for Me TV, I talk about what this harmful message is and why it can cause a whole lot of shame and self-rejection - which is the last thing any of us needs.

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5 Signs Someone is Insecure

By |2021-08-16T09:58:45-07:00February 21st, 2022|General|

Sometimes it can seem like someone is confident and secure, but you find that they do things that just don't sit right with you and you can't figure out why. Well, chances are, if something seems off, it likely is, and it could very well be that the person is secretly insecure. But how do you know? How do you tell if someone who appears confident on the outside is secretly insecure on the inside? But how do you know if someone is really insecure? In this episode of GoodForMeTV, I'm going to teach you [...]

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7 Hidden Signs of Anxiety

By |2022-03-11T13:32:14-08:00February 17th, 2022|General|

There are less common signs of anxiety that can indicate you are struggling with anxiety without knowing it. These signs don't necessarily mean you have a clinical diagnosis of generalized anxiety disorder, but when we can understand better what's going on inside of us we can track down the right tools to help us feel and live better - and stop feeling so anxious.

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How To Deal with Anxiety Better

By |2021-08-16T10:25:07-07:00February 14th, 2022|General|

For those among us who are struggling with anxiety, there are things you may be unintentionally doing to make your anxiety worse, and so today we're going to talk about some unhealthy coping methods for anxiety and some healthy coping methods for anxiety so you can know how to deal with anxiety better.

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Are You Emotionally Mature? Here are 7 Ways to Know

By |2022-03-11T13:34:54-08:00February 10th, 2022|General|

Just because you become a chronological adult, it doesn't mean you automatically become an emotional adult - Emotional maturity is something that is built over time. Here are 7 signs you are building your emotional intelligence and becoming emotionally mature. They are deep ones, so take notes if you need to.

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The 8 Signs You’re Starting to Truly Love Yourself

By |2022-03-11T13:34:09-08:00February 3rd, 2022|General|

Working on your relationship with yourself is one of the most important things you can do because you have to live with yourself every day from the day you're born, until the day you die. Your self-esteem is important and here I talk about signs that you are building your self-love and becoming more secure in yourself.

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How to End a Conversation Without Being Rude

By |2021-08-16T10:24:01-07:00January 31st, 2022|General|

You know those times when you get stuck in a conversation you don't want to be in or that you don't have time for, but you don't know how to interject, and even if you do, you don't know what to say to end the conversation in a clear, but kind way? It can be hard to know what to do or how to end a conversation without being rude, but there are several things that you can do to end a conversation politely so you can be in charge of your time.

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5 Ways to Process Your Emotions with Writing

By |2022-03-11T13:37:14-08:00January 27th, 2022|General|

An effective (and simple) way to process your emotions can be done by doing specific writing exercises. When we journal our emotions we are able to see them almost through a third party view point which can give us more clarity, and help us understand better what's going on inside of us.

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How To Build Closer Friendships

By |2021-08-16T10:23:27-07:00January 24th, 2022|General|

It can be hard to build close friendships as an adult - especially if you’ve moved to a new city, outgrown your current friends, or are entering into a new stage in life and want to find other people with who you have more in common. But like anything, building something strong can take time and effort - and even though it can seem overwhelming at times, as social beings we need good friends to be happy, so it’s worth it. Part of how to make friends involves being intentional about how to be a [...]

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All Or Nothing Thinking: A Cognitive Distortion that Leads to Anxiety

By |2022-03-11T13:35:58-08:00January 20th, 2022|General|

When we get stuck in our cognitive distortions it can be challenging to see the situation for what it really is, and this can lead to feelings of anxiety and/or depression. Learning CBT skills to identify your cognitive distortions will help you see more clearly what your brain is doing, and how to change your thoughts into ones that are more helpful.

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How to Become A Magnetic Person

By |2021-08-16T10:22:50-07:00January 17th, 2022|General|

Have you met or have known people that are just super likeable? Those people who draw you in and are super magnetic? Those people, who, when you're with them, you feel good about yourself? So what is it about them? What are they doing to be likeable, and how did they become so magnetic? It’s not because they're a special, magical unicorn person. It's because they're doing specific things and they are being intentional about showing up in specific ways that naturally make them more likeable and magnetic people. In today’s episode of GoodForMeTV, we're [...]

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5 Simple Things That Will Build Your Confidence

By |2022-03-11T13:38:29-08:00January 11th, 2022|General|

If you want to build confidence there are some simple things you can do right that will help you feel more confident every day. They are simple, but powerful at helping to change your brain into a more confident one when you practice them on a regular basis.

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What Makes People Truly Happy Ft. Depression to Expression

By |2021-08-16T10:22:17-07:00January 10th, 2022|General|

In the special episode of Good for Me TV Scott Ste Marie of Depression to Expression (https://www.youtube.com/user/ScottThought) and I talk all about what happiness really is - what makes people truly happy, what doesn't, the connection between mindfulness and happiness, and how to be happy every day. We also talk about the brain science behind why more stuff won't make you happy and neither will getting somewhere or becoming someone.

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5 Tips For Managing Your Anger

By |2022-03-11T13:40:04-08:00January 6th, 2022|General|

Managing anger can feel really hard sometimes. Especially when seemingly small things tend to set you off. But, learning some anger management skills to both help you manage the anger when it shows up, and going deeper to get to the root of the anger will help a lot.

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