6 Ways to Stop Being Used by Others

By |2024-02-01T12:56:02-08:00February 1st, 2024|General|

 It does NOT feel good to be used or taken advantage of - especially when you're someone who likes to be kind and generous, but when the generosity gets taken advantage of, it can turn into being used. But how can you make it stop? In this talk I teach you 6 simple ways to stop being used by others -some of them might surprise you.

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Five Clear Signs That You’re Being Used

By |2024-01-26T10:23:58-08:00January 26th, 2024|General|

 Have you ever felt like you're being used, but don't know for sure? Do you feel like that person asks a lot from you, and when they do, something doesn't feel right, but you're not sure if it's because they're taking advantage of you, or it's just you not being as caring or generous as you think you should be? Being used is not always so obvious, but when we are in more one-sided relationships like this it can take a toll on our mental health and self-esteem. If you've ever felt like you're [...]

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5 Quick Ways to Become More Emotionally Mature

By |2024-01-23T11:53:22-08:00January 18th, 2024|General|

 What does it mean to be emotionally mature, and how can you tell if you are? When someone is emotionally mature, they can manage their emotions and keep themselves grounded no matter whomever or what ever is going on around them. Emotionally mature people also tend to be able to see things from other people's perspectives, have more empathy and understanding and can handle and deescalate conflict well. So to help you become more emotionally mature starting today, here are 5 things you can do to get started.

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How To Stop Being Insecure

By |2024-01-11T20:12:06-08:00January 11th, 2024|General|

 It can be hard to feel secure within ourselves when we constantly doubt whether we're good enough, loveable enough, capable enough, smart enough or in general, just, enough. Many of the things we believe about ourselves that make us feel insecure are stories our ego developed in childhood in order to get our needs met. But as adults, we are unconsciously falling into the same patterns, even though we no longer need to get these needs met in the same unhelpful ways. Here I teach you a step by step process to tame that [...]

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7 Signs that Your Ego is too Fragile

By |2024-01-05T20:14:27-08:00January 5th, 2024|General|

 When we think of ego, we often think of someone who has a big ego, or is full of themselves. But, the ego is not something bad... or good. It's just a term we use to describe our sense of self. A secure ego would mean that someone has a secure sense of themselves and an insecure ego means that someone has an insecure sense of themselves. Contrary to what we might think, someone with a big ego, actually has a fragile ego. A fragile ego can show up in many ways, and in [...]

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The 6 Key Signs of A Highly Sensitive Person

By |2024-01-04T20:23:15-08:00January 4th, 2024|General|

 Being a Highly Sensitive Person is not a bad thing or a good thing. It's just a thing. It's a trait and part of who a person is. Research now suggests that there's even a genetic marker for ones level of sensitivity. There are several key features that most highly sensitive people share, and in this talk I tell you what they are. Being a Highly Sensitive Person can make some things in life harder, but it can also make many things much better, and by the end of this talk it will be [...]

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The 3 Things That Make You A Highly Sensitive Person

By |2024-01-04T20:14:32-08:00January 4th, 2024|General|

 Although Highly Sensitive People often share several common traits, there are 3 main aspects of being a highly sensitive person that are shared among all highly sensitive people. Being sensitive is not right or wrong or good or bad - it just is. It's a trait - part of who a person is. Yes, it can make some parts of being human harder, but it also makes many parts so much better. In this talk, you'll learn specifically what the 3 main aspects are so you can know for sure if you, or someone [...]

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A Simple Exercise for Managing Anxiety.

By |2023-09-29T12:11:08-07:00December 25th, 2023|General|

 In this video I talk about what anxiety is, and what one of the most important things we can build within ourselves is to help us overcome excess or unhelpful anxiety. I then teach you a simple cognitive strategy you can use anytime you're having thoughts that are making you feel anxious or overwhelmed.

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How to Get Over A Bad Day

By |2023-09-29T11:58:57-07:00December 11th, 2023|General|

 Bad day? Yeah, we all have them. But even when you have a bad day, it doesn't mean it has to end bad. It's a lot easier to get over a bad day if we know what we need to do to end it well. In this video I'll teach you a really simple way to turn a bad day into a good one with a mood and mindset changing exercise you can use anytime, and any place.

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Stop Trying So Hard For People Who Don’t Care

By |2023-12-09T16:44:41-08:00December 9th, 2023|General|

Julia Kristina, MA, is a speaker, teacher, master therapist and mental wealth coach who helps smart, highly sensitive, heart centred humans get past anxiety, stress, and self-doubt so they can have better: Better relationships, a better life and feel better about themselves. Through her membership program, The Shift Society, she helps people identify their deep rooted thoughts and beliefs that are keeping them stuck and struggling, and then teaches them how to take charge of their minds and emotions so they can thrive in all areas of their lives. Julia’s expertise has been featured in [...]

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STOP! A Simple Way to Manage Your Emotions When Someone Makes You Really Upset

By |2023-09-29T11:53:36-07:00December 4th, 2023|General|

 Sometimes people say or do things that really upset us, make us angry or that we find totally triggering. But when we're feeling this way, we often lose our cool and react by saying or doing things we regret and then end up with feelings of stress, guilt, depression, or anxiety. Here, I give you a simple and effective little acronym you can use anytime to help keep you from losing control of your emotions and then making a bad situation even worse.  

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5 Steps to Speaking Up Confidently When You Feel You Can’t | Assertive Communication Skills

By |2023-11-30T07:11:01-08:00November 30th, 2023|General|

 Learning how to speak up for yourself in a way that people will listen to and respect can be challenging. So often we fear speaking up because we don't want to upset anyone, rock the boat, create tension or awkwardness in the relationship or because we don't want it to turn into conflict or a fight. Becoming a great communication and issue resolver is about learning how to say what you want to say, and cleaning up your thoughts and feelings before you address the issue in order to keep the communication clear and [...]

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The Simple Way to Deal With Stress and Anxiety Using Mindfulness

By |2023-09-29T11:42:11-07:00November 27th, 2023|General|

 Starting or getting into a mindfulness practice can feel a little overwhelming, if not totally daunting or unrealistic for many of us. Does it mean I'm going to have to sit cross-legged on the floor for and clear my mind and my thoughts completely into nothingness for hours on end? And the answer is, no. Becoming more mindful is something you can do anytime and anyplace and it is so easy and straightforward. No chimes, gongs or om's necessary. In this video I teach you exactly what you can do immediately to become more [...]

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The 4 Big Benefits of Being a Highly Sensitive Person

By |2023-11-23T09:07:28-08:00November 23rd, 2023|General|

 Many people thing being sensitive is a weakness. You may have even been told more than once that you are "too sensitive" and you've seen this as a bad thing. But the truth is, the world needs sensitive people, and being sensitive is not a flaw or a weakness - it is actually one of your biggest strengths. In this talk, I teach you what a highly sensitive person is, what are some of the biggest strengths about being an HSP are and how to lean in and use those strengths.

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The First Step to Breaking The Anxiety Cycle

By |2023-11-16T09:26:47-08:00November 16th, 2023|General|

 Getting stuck in anxiety feels pretty awful. And what can make it worse, is that when we try to force ourselves to stop feeling anxious, we often end up feeling more anxious - and then blame ourselves for being "too weak" or "too messed up" to be stop it. But what if trying to stop feeling anxious is not really how to effectively deal with anxiety, and even overcome your biggest struggles with it? In this talk I'll teach you why trying to force yourself to stop feeling anxious isn't working (and it's not [...]

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3 Powerful Ways To Get Over Feeling Angry, Frustrated, or Resentful

By |2023-11-16T09:27:26-08:00November 13th, 2023|General|

 There are times for all of us when we feel angry, frustrated or resentful because of how we see a certain situation, but don't actually realize it's our personal perspective or negative beliefs about ourselves or others that are getting us in the way. In this video I talk about 3 different situations that can cause many of us unnecessary anger, resentment or frustration, and then give you practical strategies to deal with them in healthy and effective ways.

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This Sneaky Thing Makes Anxiety Worse

By |2023-11-09T09:02:20-08:00November 9th, 2023|General|

 When we perceive something as a threat and then avoid it, our brain thinks this thing is dangerous (even if it isn't). Then, if we never give our brains a chance to see that this thing is not actually dangerous, it will continue to thing it is, and we will continue to avoid said thing. And the the more we do this, the more stuck we get. When a perceived situation, circumstance or relationship is seen as dangerous, and because of this, we avoid it, then we're telling our brains that we can't handle [...]

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Feeling Emotionally Out of Sorts? This is How to Get Through it.

By |2023-09-29T11:25:57-07:00November 6th, 2023|General|

 As I’m sure you know, telling yourself to just think positive or just be grateful or just get over it when you're feeling bad, sad, mad, angry or resentful typically doesn't cut it. So don't feel bad if that hasn’t worked for you every time. We are more complex than just being able to positive our way out of our emotions all the time. Here I teach you a simple 3 step process using CBT and mindfulness for moving through a negative feeling in an effective, helpful, but pretty counterintuitive way!

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Anxiety & Racing Thoughts at Night: 3 Straightforward Ways to Sleep Better

By |2023-11-02T13:23:12-07:00November 2nd, 2023|General|

 So you’re tired and just want to get a good night's sleep but your brain has conveniently decided this is the most opportune time to review the days conversations and all the dumb things you did or said or what people are thinking about you as a result, or it review every mistake you’ve ever made, all the terrible things that could happen to one of your loved ones, or anything else terrible that maybe might or could happen in the future or that did happen in the past. Why do our brains do [...]

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How To Get Past Your Fear of Failure

By |2023-09-29T11:20:36-07:00October 30th, 2023|General|

 Today we’re going to talk about why that popular saying, “failure is not an option” is a whole load of hooey that is likely causing you a lot of unnecessary stress, anxiety, pressure, and overwhelm. I'm going to teach you 3 ways to get past your fear of failure, make peace with it once and for aoo, tell why you need to fail, and motivate you to change your perspective and mindset to start believing why getting good at failing is one of the most important things you can do to become more resilient, [...]

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How to Stop Procrastinating

By |2023-07-25T09:31:06-07:00October 23rd, 2023|General|

 Have you ever felt frustrated with yourself for procrastinating, but can't figure out why you even do it in the first place? Here I talk about the deeper reasons why you are likely procrastinating, what procrastination has to do with being a perfectionist (even if you don't think you are), and how to stop procrastinating.

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Catastrophizing: How to Stop Making Yourself So Anxious

By |2023-10-20T09:24:34-07:00October 20th, 2023|General|

 In this talk, we're going to take deeper look at catastrophizing. Catastrophizing is when you either expect the worst to happen, or when an undesirable outcome happens, you think it's the absolute worst. Getting caught by this distorted thinking pattern will leave you feeling anxious, stressed, and can even make you feel depressed or full of self doubt. Sounds lovely, doesn't it? We're going to look more specifically at the two ways is shows up, and then go through the simple steps to overcome it so it can stop hijacking our mood, day or, [...]

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7 Clear Signs You Need Better Boundaries

By |2023-10-12T09:58:28-07:00October 12th, 2023|General|

 Boundaries are an essential part of the health of your relationship with others and with yourself. You need clear and healthy boundaries in order to feel safe, comfortable and confident. You also need them to break through patterns of overfunctioning, people pleasing, overwhelm and resentment. If you've been trying to set boundaries, but they don't seem to be working the way you expected them to, it's likely because you haven't been setting them in an effective way, and/or sticking to them because you feel guilty. Here we're going to talk about all of that, [...]

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Do You Struggle to Have Healthy Relationships? If So, You May Be Codependent.

By |2023-07-25T09:16:05-07:00October 9th, 2023|General|

 Codependency is really common, and many people are in unhealthy codependent relationships, and maybe don't even know it. Here I talk about what codependency is, where it comes from and why this is an issue for so many people. Before being able to work through unhealthy behaviours, first we need to know what they are and where they come from. Insight first. Then constructive action.

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Don’t Let Them Make You Feel Inferior: Boundaries pt. 6

By |2023-10-05T10:57:39-07:00October 5th, 2023|General|

 You have thoughts, you have ideas, you have opinions, you have perspectives and you have preferences. Of course you do, everyone does. But where you're going to need boundaries around them is when somebody comes in and tries to violate or make you feel inferior for yours. These are called intellectual boundaries. You need these boundaries because without them others may continue to try and belittle you or make you feel small simply for having a perspective or an understanding that is different than theirs. What do these intellectual boundary violations look like? And [...]

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