How To Have Good Boundaries! | AKA Stop Saying Yes to Stuff You Hate

By |2022-10-13T09:25:21-07:00January 2nd, 2023|General|

  Stop saying YES to things you hate! You're likely having a hard time setting boundaries because you want to be a nice person and you don’t want to upset anyone. But even if your intentions are good, the reality is there is often still a price to pay for not having good boundaries. It can have a big impact on our happiness, our well-being, and our relationships if we are constantly and continuously feeling like we have to say yes to things that we don’t want to be doing. In this video today, we [...]

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A Quick & Simple Breathing Exercise for Sleep

By |2022-10-13T08:43:58-07:00December 26th, 2022|General|

Do you ever have trouble falling asleep? Do you ever find yourself tired and laying in bed, but just can't turn your thoughts off? Does feeling anxious, worried or stressed ever keep you from being able to get the rest you need? If so, this video is for you! This is the most simple, straightforward, and effective breathing exercise for falling asleep that you’ll ever learn. The only thing you need to know is how to count and how to breathe.

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Domestic Violence: How to Know If Your Partner Will Become Abusive

By |2022-10-13T08:30:10-07:00December 19th, 2022|General|

Domestic violence has become a major issue in our culture. Stats now show that between 1 in 4 and 1 in 3 women will be a victim of severe violence by an intimate partner in her lifetime. This is a serious issue that is not going away. But there is something you can do to prevent this from happening to you or someone you know. There is a way to tell whether or not your partner has the potential to become violent at some point in the relationship. In this week's episode of Good for [...]

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How To Handle Passive Aggressive People

By |2022-07-04T11:15:18-07:00December 12th, 2022|General|

  One of those difficult and unhealthy or toxic behaviors that many of us have to deal with is passive aggressive behavior. This behavior is often referred to as covert aggression. It's one of those behaviors that we need to be aware of because it can be sneaky and really leave us feeling confused, angry or frustrated when someone is passive aggressive with us. Today, we are going to talk about the harm it can have on our important relationships, and how to deal with passive aggressive behavior.  

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Social Media Addiction: Is it Really SO Bad? (these are the facts)

By |2022-07-04T11:03:41-07:00December 5th, 2022|General|

Social Media isn't going away, which is not necessarily a bad thing, but it can be if we let it control us versus us controlling it. And because social media apps are designed to be addictive and to keep you coming back incessantly and sometimes even obsessively, it's all the more reason we put some safeguards and policies in place to keep ourselves, and our SM use in check. As much as overuse of SM can be harmful or detrimental to our mental health, a certain amount of use and certain types of use can [...]

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3 “Harmless” Habits that Are Killing Your Happiness | Unhealthy Habits to Break

By |2022-07-04T10:53:22-07:00November 21st, 2022|General|

We all do it. We all allow unhealthy, little things into our lives that we justify or dismiss, but over time they end up adding up and can really have a negative, if not harmful, impact on our overall happiness, mental health and well-being. So today, we are going to talk about these 3 unhealthy habits to break in order to be happier - because, left unchecked these unhealthy habits can even lead to things like anxiety, depression, chronic stress, panic and serious overwhelm.

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Depression as A Blessing in Disguise: Ft. Depression to Expression

By |2022-07-04T10:48:27-07:00November 14th, 2022|General|

  I have a special treat for you today on Good for Me TV! I am being joined by my friend and fellow YouTuber, Scott St. Marie, aka Depression to Expression on YouTube. Scott is as real as it gets, and is an overall awesome human. On his channel talks all about mental health and wellness, and has a wealth of knowledge and experience of his own. In this episode together we talk about some of his experience with depression, what helps him when he going through it, and why he says depression was one [...]

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How To Speak Up To Get What You Want

By |2022-07-04T10:11:04-07:00October 10th, 2022|General|

Ever have a hard time getting what you want because you don't know how to say what you want, think, need or feel? Is it because you worry about putting someone off, offending them, or coming across as demanding, overly needy or selfish? It's not always easy to speak up or stand up for ourselves and can often feel really nerve wracking or uncomfortable... But not speaking up, not being assertive, and not expressing your wants, needs and preferences when it’s about something that's important to you is taking a toll on your happiness and [...]

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Quick Stress & Anxiety Reduction – Mindfulness Exercise (No Meditation Required!)

By |2022-07-04T09:59:16-07:00September 26th, 2022|General|

Have you heard of mindfulness? I’m sure you have. Apparently it’s all the rage right now. But not because it's something new, mindfulness has been around for a long time - it’s just becoming well-known in the Western World because of all the research that's been done showing how it actually has the power to change our brains from a stressed and anxious one to a more calm and grounded one overall. In this episode of Good For Me TV, I teach you one of the most simple, straight-forward mindfulness exercises that you can do [...]

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Gratitude Practices Don’t Work (but this does!)

By |2022-07-04T09:53:45-07:00September 19th, 2022|General|

Being grateful - it's not a bad thing, in fact it's an incredible thing! And when done properly can even be life changing. But the way we're typically told to practice gratitude has been shown in the research to not actually be effective for most people. In this episode of Good For Me TV, I’m going to tell why this is and what you can be doing instead that does work a whole lot better (without any extra effort).

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3 Simple Secrets To Become More Mentally Tough

By |2022-07-04T09:39:45-07:00August 29th, 2022|General|

Ever wish certain things didn't bother you as much as they do? Do you ever envy other people who seem to be able to take whatever life has for them and not get too bothered about it either way? Ever wonder what it takes to not be so affected by criticism, failure, hardship or struggle? In this episode of Good For Me TV, we're going to talk about 3 simple, but powerful ways we can build more mental toughness.

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5 Simple & Effective Ways to Manage Anger

By |2022-07-04T09:30:02-07:00August 22nd, 2022|General|

We all get triggered. It doesn’t matter how emotionally intelligent or emotionally mature you are, there are times that things get under our skin, get our blood boiling, or just make us plain angry. And contrary to popular belief, anger is neither a bad or good emotion - like all others, it's just an emotion. But it’s how we deal with our anger and how we respond to it that can be used for good or evil. In this episode of Good For Me TV today, we're going to talk about 5 ways that emotionally [...]

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Mindset Shifts that Can Change Your Life | How to Build A Healthy Mindset

By |2022-07-04T09:28:02-07:00August 15th, 2022|General|

All of us are going through life with certain perspectives, ideas or stories about the way things are - or at least the way we think they are We all have 'truths' that govern our lives, but sometimes these truths are not actually very true at all, and can even become unhealthy, unhelpful, unserving and unproductive ways of seeing ourselves, others and the world. In this episode of Good For Me TV, we're going to talk about 5 powerful mindset shifts that may offer you a different way to understand some things that will help [...]

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What Is Self-Sabotage & How To Know If You’re Doing It

By |2022-07-04T09:07:55-07:00August 8th, 2022|General|

Do you self-sabotage? Do you know what self-sabotage is? The truth is if you're not reaching your goals, having the types of healthy relationships you want or are not where you want to be in life chances are you could be self-sabotaging. In today’s video of Good For Me TV, we are going to talk about what self-sabotage is, what the key signs are that you're doing it, and how to deal with that self-sabotaging behavior if you are.

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5 Secrets to Become More Calm and Happy Right Now

By |2022-01-26T12:43:12-08:00August 1st, 2022|General|

Do you know those people who seem to be more calm and grounded and happier in general? You might ask yourself, how do they do it? What’s their secret? How can they look so happy and calm? How can I be like them more? You are not alone. We all want to become more calm and happy despite the stress, problems, and anxiety that life can bring. In this episode of Good For Me TV, we are going to talk about the 5 simple things that you can intentionally do right now to become calm, [...]

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5 Things Secure People Just Don’t Do

By |2022-01-26T12:38:41-08:00July 25th, 2022|General|

There are certain things people who are more secure just don’t do. It’s not necessarily because they don’t want to do these things at times, but because they know that even if doing these things might feel good in the moment, the longer-term impact will be unhealthy, detrimental and even have harmful effects on their self-esteem and their sense of self-worth, so they do their best to make a habit of not doing them. In today’s episode of Good For Me TV, we're going to talk about the 5 things that people who are more [...]

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How to Stop A Negative Thought

By |2022-01-26T12:29:24-08:00July 11th, 2022|General|

This is a simple little trick for shutting down a negative thought. This tool is best used for those unrelenting stubborn negative thoughts that seem to come up when we’re having a moment of vulnerability or a moment of weakness. In this video I teach you this trick of how to stop a negative thought, and the brain science behind how and why it's effective. It's one of my favourites because it's simple and it works.

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3 Things You Need to Stop Apologizing For

By |2022-01-26T12:24:49-08:00July 4th, 2022|General|

There are things you may be apologizing for or feeling guilty about and likely not letting yourself do that are actually causing you a lot of harm. By apologizing for these things you are preventing yourself from living fully and freely. So in today’s episode of Good For Me-TV, we are going to talk about the 3 things you need to stop apologizing for.

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4 Simple Things Emotionally Strong People Do Everyday

By |2022-01-26T12:20:22-08:00June 27th, 2022|General|

There are things emotionally strong people do every day. They do these things to meet essential needs that we all have, but they make a point of making sure they respect them. Emotionally strong people know that by making these 4 emotional strength building things non-negotiable they are going to be happier, heartier and more self-loving In this episode of Good For Me-TV, we are going to talk about how to become emotionally strong by using these 4 so you can start making a habit of getting going on them too! *Based in part on [...]

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The Big Lies of Perfectionism that are Keeping You Trapped

By |2022-01-26T12:13:28-08:00June 20th, 2022|General|

If you often have a hard time making decisions or stop yourself from trying new things before you even start, or you stress out and worry about what other people are thinking about you or even get in your head and often scrutinize your imperfections and pick yourself apart then you, my friend struggle with perfectionism. In today’s episode of Good For Me-TV, I'm teaching you the 5 lies of perfectionism that are trying to get you to believe, and how to turn these limiting beliefs on their head.

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Mindset Shifts To Become 10x More Confident

By |2022-01-26T12:09:01-08:00June 13th, 2022|General|

There are fundamental mindset shifts that many people who are confident have had at some point in their journey that has allowed them to step into and own that confidence. And in this episode of Good For Me-TV, we are going to talk about what 5 of these mindset shifts are so that you too can start feeling a whole lot more confident and comfortable with exactly who you are now.

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Signs that You’re A Highly Sensitive Person

By |2022-01-26T12:04:16-08:00June 6th, 2022|General|

Are you a Highly Sensitive Person? And if so, is this a bad thing? Yes, there are definitely some challenges that can come up for HSP’s* but there are also some serious benefits to it. In this episode, I talk about how to know if you’re a Highly Sensitive Person, the signs that you're a highly sensitive person and what some of the struggles and strengths of being one are.  

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How to Stop People From Taking Advantage of You

By |2022-01-26T11:58:58-08:00May 30th, 2022|General|

It does NOT feel good to be taken advantage of, manipulated, or coerced or controlled by guilt. And many of you are letting it happen because you don't know why it's happening or how to make it stop. In today's episode of Good for Me-TV, I tell you about why people are taking advantage of you, and what you can do to get them to stop taking advantage of you.

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5 Obvious Things Confident People Do NOT Do

By |2022-01-26T11:52:56-08:00May 23rd, 2022|General|

There are specific things that confident people don’t do. Why? Because they know that falling into the trap of doing these things is going to make them feel insecure, self-doubting, and unsure. Confident people know that being intentional about not letting themselves do these things is both going to help them become more confident and is also going to help them maintain that confidence. In this episode of Good For Me-TV, we talk about what 5 things confident people don’t do and what you can do right away to start making these big confidence-boosting shifts [...]

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How to Stop Being a People Pleaser without Feeling Guilty

By |2021-11-24T14:14:48-08:00May 16th, 2022|General|

Have you ever felt that it is your job to make everyone around you happy no matter what the cost is to you? And if they're not happy, it is your fault and up to you to make them better? Don't worry, you are so not alone, I've been there too and people pleasing is no joke. And it can be hard to stop people pleasing because we're often worried that people won't like us if we don't do everything they want all the time. Not to say that taking care of other people is [...]

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5 Ways to Become a Super Likeable Person

By |2021-11-24T14:10:56-08:00May 9th, 2022|General|

Have you ever met someone for the first time and immediately felt drawn to them? Or maybe it's someone you’ve known forever and every time you're with them you just good being around them? What is it about them? What are they doing that makes you feel so connected to them? What is it that makes you LIKE them so much? Most importantly, what are they NOT doing that makes them more likeable and magnetic? In this episode of GoodForMeTV, we are going to talk about the 5 things that the most likeable and magnetic [...]

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Are You A Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)? Here’s How to Quickly Know For Sure.

By |2021-11-24T14:05:24-08:00May 2nd, 2022|General|

Are you a Highly Sensitive Person? And if so, is this a bad thing? Yes, there are definitely some challenges that can come up for HSP’s, but there are also some serious benefits to it. In this episode I talk about how to know if you’re a Highly Sensitive Person and what some of the struggles and strengths of being one are.

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Look What We Did Together!

By |2021-11-24T09:09:05-08:00April 18th, 2022|General|

Here's to a year of big growth, big shifts and not being willing to settle. Here's to you and your willingness to invest in the most important person in your life. Here's to believing that you deserve to feel good TOO! Here's to having the courage to look inward. Here's to having the courage to go deep. Here's to not being willing to call it in - even if you had lot's of reasons to. And here's to a 2019 full of big breakthroughs - We have some big things coming that I can't wait [...]

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How To Deal with A Negative Thought in 3 Simple Steps

By |2021-11-24T08:56:12-08:00April 4th, 2022|General|

HOW TO DEAL WITH A NEGATIVE THOUGHT We all have limiting beliefs and negative thoughts about ourselves, and although we all have them, people who are more secure know how to keep those thoughts from taking over and keeping them stuck. In this episode of GoodForMeTV, I’m going to teach you three things secure people do to keep these limiting beliefs and negative thoughts at bay. We all have limiting beliefs and negative thoughts about ourselves, and although we all have them, people who are more secure know how to keep those thoughts from taking [...]

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How to Stop Catastrophic Thinking

By |2021-08-16T10:49:19-07:00March 28th, 2022|General|

If you ever stress, worry, get worked up, or are anxious about something awful happening, even though there’s not a very good chance that thing will happen, this video is for you. If you know that your catastrophic thinking is keeping you stuck or holding you back, this video is for you. If you’re sure you catastrophize but don’t know how to stop doing it, this video is for you. In today’s episode of Good for Me TV both tell you why you’re getting stuck in these catastrophic thoughts and how to turn put a [...]

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