Download the PDF HERE:  7 Cognitive Distortions


1. All or Nothing Thinking:
You look at things in absolutes, and extremes. ex: one bad thing happens and suddenly all is doomed.

My Example:

2. Mental Filter:
You focus only on the negatives and ignore the positives.

My Example:

3. Mind Reading:
You assume that people are reacting to or thinking about you negatively when there’s no actual proof.

My Example:

4. Fortune Telling:
You just assume and predict things are going to turn out badly – with no actual proof.

My Example:

5. Magnification or Minimization:
You blow things way out of proportion (usually the negative), or you downplay their importance inappropriately (usually the good).

My Example:

6. Emotional Concluding:
You conclude and create truths from how you feel: “I feel like an idiot, so I really must be one.” Or “I don’t feel like doing this, so I’ll put it off.”

My Example:

7. Labeling and Self-Shaming:
You identify with your shortcomings. Instead of saying, “I made a mistake,” or “I had a failure,” you tell yourself, “I am a mistake” or “I am a failure.”

My Example: